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Okay, so I would first like to say that aside from the things that we all know about Brandi and her love of business and data and all that stuff that makes my head spin......she is gutsy. Brandi isn’t afraid to try new things with her business, to go out on a limb and see what happens. And then she shares that success with those of us who are lucky enough to receive that information. Brandi is always trying something new, always keeping things fresh and interesting. And always, always watching and listening and soaking things in. This is why she’s killing it!

Also watching her success and that major jump into the salon space etc really got me out of my comfort zone and made me light a fire under my own ass to chase after that goal. Brandi & her business partner, Shannelle, are my go to girls for any business related questions, simply because I look up to them and respect their input 1000%

Brandi is approachable, friendly and confident. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and give advice. Brandi can empathize with me because she’s been through similar business struggles, triumphs, and goals as me. Brandi’s easygoing and approachable vibe is something I have always been drawn to. I always know I am going to get both an honest & empathetic response from her.

Brandi has always been on the cutting edge of everything that anyone is doing in the spray tanning industry. Brandi sets the standard and sets the bar. She’s hiring employees; making live videos; collaborating with local businesses. She’s doing it all! And I respect the hell out of that!

Meg McLennan, Owner OrganicTan Nanaimo