
I was the academic, ‘good girl,’ who followed the path of getting a job, getting married and having kids. I checked off all the boxes at 29 and felt completely lost. I was struggling with two kids, full time 8-5 work, mom guilt, and my work environment was emotionally draining. I always wanted to start a business but I didn’t know what that might be. I also wanted to be able to spend time with my kids and the bank was too restrictive on my time. Trying to take time off to be snack mom for an hour was like pulling teeth!

I was miserable. And I felt stuck. I had lost all confidence in myself and the emotional stress was beginning to show up physically, getting pneumonia that took over 6 months to go away. Something had to give!

I finally had enough so I invested in myself through coaching and dug into my values. When OrganicTan came into my life, the company values aligned with mine. I was scared & nervous to change career paths. I still remember the moment & the gut wrenching fear I had when I sat my husband down on the couch and told him I wanted to change the direction of my life.

I dug deep, trusted & believed in myself and started my business. I grew my business to be the #1 SunnaTan & SunnaSmile location in Canada in less than 4 years. I built a successful business and continue to invest in myself so that my businesses can grow even bigger. I’ve created a life that works for me and my family. I’m fulfilled in an industry I love, being able to be flexible to my family. Every day I work with women who have a desire to be successful and I want to help them get there.

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Want to hear the longer version with all the nitty gritty details, complete with a reference to the movie Pretty Woman (“Big Mistake, Huge, HUGE!”)?